Klein Collins Baseball
We believe in “Excellence Without Compromise.”
Klein Collins High School demonstrates and cultivates excellence and strong core values in all that we do.
The faculty, staff, and community of Klein Collins High School are committed to providing all students educational opportunities and skills to promote academic achievement and responsible citizenship in a safe and nurturing environment dedicated to the promotion of life-long learning.
“Today I will do what other's won't, so tomorrow I will do what others can't.” ~ Jerry Rice
Our hearts fill with pride, Klein Collins for you!
Our spirit is high and our loyalty true,
Within your great walls our hist'ry is told.
We honor Klein Collins, the Navy and Gold!
Stand tall! Hail Alma Mater, so bold!
With strength born of truth, we'll remember our youth,
We honor Klein Collins, the Navy and Gold!
Tiger Spirit carries us to capture every win,
Tigers bold and brave together join in victory,
Navy, blue, and gold colors true,
Tiger pride will carry us through!
Push on to victory, Tigers will win again!